Thursday, November 1, 2007

Illegal Immigration Issue in America

Recently, the US Government has faced debates about immigration. As a result, “immigration” has shaped US government’s politics.
Immigration brings many expressions or frames, such as, illegal immigrant, illegal alien, illegal, undocumented workers, undocumented immigrants, guest workers, temporary workers, amnesty, and border security. Each framing defines a problem in its own way. Hence it requires a solution addressed to every problem.

The illegal Frame is perhaps the most commonly used frame within the immigration debate. Journalists frequently refer to “illegal immigrants” as if they were a neutral term, but the illegal frame is highly structured. It is recalled as one about the illegal act of crossing the border without papers. As a result, it is renamed as an illegal one. The US Congress name an illegal as criminal. I think that a robber, a murderer or a rapist is a criminal. “Illegal,” used as an adjective in “immigrants” defines the immigrants as criminals, as if they were bad people. Conservatives said that those who break laws must be punished, otherwise, it is immoral not to punish.

Bush’s solution to this issue entirely concerns the immigrants, citizenship laws, and the border patrol, becoming this identified as “immigration problem.” He said that the government has not been in complete control of its borders, and that many people cross the border. Some Americans argue that they take jobs away from ordinary Americans, bear children who will be American citizens even if they are not, and use local services like schools and hospitals, which cost to the government a great deal.

Currently, the undocumented immigrants living in America are un-enfranchised worker. They perform all the work, pay all the duties, and receive many fewer of the benefits-especially voting rights. I believe they must be given an opportunity to come out of the shadows and lead normal lives as Americans.


Ryan B said...

We are a nation of immigrants, that being said we are also a nation that has established its own Identity and become one of the elite super powers in the world. It is an honor and privilege to live here and is seen as such by many all over the world, but there is a process to emigrate here, and this should be respected by all.
There is a reason that the term illegal is tagged to the term illegal immigrant, and that is because it is an unlawful entry into a nation. Illegal immigration is the same manner as a robber breaking into a house, and one could argue that an immigrant does steal jobs and what little social services that our country provides. As far as the term illegal is concerned you don’t need to commit a capital offence to commit an illegal act, jaywalking is illegal, boot legging is illegal, it’s all going against a law that has been established by a country. There is due process and procedures to immigration and these laws should be followed by anyone, and not doing so belittles the efforts of people who spend years even decades in their own nation, many of which are war torn and very impoverished, waiting to come and begin a new life here in the United States.
Our boarders should be tougher, not just to stop migrant workers, but to stop anyone with ill intentions. We have all seen that there are people and nations who don’t like the United States, and we should have secure borders to help protect ourselves from them more so than the other illegal immigrants.

eduardo said...

I do agree that Illegal immigrants should be part of this country. A lot of people risk their lives just to have a better life looking for the “American Dream.” Immigrants get so desperate to see their family members struggle, so then they decide to come to this country. The immigrants would take any risk for a better life.

A lot of people see immigrants as robbers, criminals, and murders. They should not criticized illegal people before knowing them as a human being. They’re not going to harm anybody. They just want a better life, to support their families. Illegal immigrants that come to this country do it to find a better life for them and their families, because back in their foreign countries there are not enough job opportunities.

I think that the government should realize that if it wasn’t for the illegal immigrants, the United States wouldn’t be anything in life. Meanwhile, the people who work the hardest to keep society functioning in the U.S. are immigrant workers, so they should be rewarded with amnesty. Immigrants are hard workers that will perform hard jobs at lower wages, not filled by Native Americans, even if they get paid more than regular wage. For instance, immigrants contribute billions to the U.S economy and many, especially the undocumented, receive no benefits in return Immigrants do important jobs in this country; for example, they make roads, hospitals, schools, and do heavy work. For example, in construction, landscaping, and farming, there are companies that bring immigrants from Mexico to perform these duties and pay them a low wage, even under the minimum wage. Besides, immigrants will take any given chance to get here. Any chance is better than nothing, but since there is no opportunity in their country.

They should get the rights that they deserve to get Medicaid, taxes, and etc as everyone else. Immigrants not also have the right, but should be treated equally, since this is a free country of equal rights. I believe they must be given an opportunity to come out of the shadows and lead normal lives as Americans.