Thursday, November 15, 2007

A comment on:

The article that my colleague presented us ( shows that she does not have any problem with people moving to the United States. On the other hand, she show some discomfort over the benefits the illegal are granted for “free.” I believe that illegal immigrants are not taking the benefits that government provides as a whole. For example, education is kept for the taxes collected annually in property taxes. Every person living in the U.S. is paying that amount. If living in apartment, they pay that amount in their monthly payment; if living in a house, they pay taxes in the annual payment. So, no one is except to it. In regard medical services, which are kept by the money taken of their salary, they also collaborate; even though, they work with a false social security number, it is worst for them because they can not claim the surplus.

I know people that have attempted to become a US citizen and fail it because they did not pass the English conversation test. So I think the US government has been strict in this issue.

The driving test in Spanish is English. Sounds funny, doesn’t it? The basic things are in Spanish (just for comprehension) but signs are shown in English. Even if they were shown in Portuguese, or other language they could have been read since they are universal. Moreover, a country could not deny an entrance to a foreign if s/he does not show knowledge of the transit sign. It has not happen yet.

What a world! Have to show a visa to show that you do not come from Mars.

Is not funny that many illegal workers, as my colleague says, are in Home Depot or Lowes asking or looking for job while some native American are asking a dollar for a beer?

Republic of Mexico and other countries of this continent are included in “America,” so talking specifically of the U.S. I agree with my colleague that if you want to be in the US, you have to read and understand English.

There are many cons and pros that have to be regulated to create no a country, but a world right and fair.

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